Is There a Mobile App for the Liberty RI Community?

The answer is yes and no.

For starters the site is fully responsive and mobile browser friendly. Everything should work just fine through your standard mobile browser.

However for those that want a more “app like” experience, we are implementing a technology called a progressive web app or PWA for short (click the link for the nerdy stuff). This is not your traditional app that is installed though the Google Play or Apple App stores which we will explain further in a minute. We’ve chosen this route for a couple reasons, first it’s fast and easy to implement, but more importantly it eliminates the possibility of being banned from the traditional app stores like we’ve seen with other social applications. We control our own destiny.

How does a PWA work?

When you initially visit though your mobile browser you should see a popup at the bottom of the screen similar to what you see highlighted in the red box in the screen shot below.

When you click on that link you will be prompted to install. Click install and and that is it.

You will find the porcupine logo icon titled Liberty RI in with the rest of your apps. When you open the app you will be taken to the login screen where you can login. It looks very similar to what you saw in your mobile browser minus the URL address bar at the top. Should look something like this.

It’s that easy. If you have any questions head on over to our contact form.

Welcome to the Liberty RI Community

You may have noticed that Big Tech is doing it’s best to stifle the voices of people and organizations they do not agree with to include libertarians.

Over the past few months, we have seen what we believe to be an organized and concerted effort between tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter to silence any dissenting opinions with the efficiency of a planned military operation. If it were coming from a hostile foreign enemy it would be referred to as a coordinated attack.

While advances in technology have made it easier for like-minded individuals to connect with each other, unfortunately, the consolidated control of these resources has also made it easy to silence those that have a differing worldview. We know people like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg advocate for more regulation to increase their power and control, we libertarians, also know that rarely does more government regulation equal more freedom and liberty.

So what can we do about it?

Herein lies the real question, and the libertarian answer is if you don’t like what someone else is doing create your own. So this is what we are attempting to do with Taking control of our own destiny, providing a resource for libertarians and like-minded people in Rhode Island to share ideas and information.

We fully understand the uphill battle this is going to be, it is hard for people to break habits and adopt a new platform. However we need to begin somewhere. It is time for freedom lovers to step up and unite. The torch of liberty will not be snuffed out. We hope you agree and share the same passion as we do.

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