The answer is yes and no.
For starters the site is fully responsive and mobile browser friendly. Everything should work just fine through your standard mobile browser.
However for those that want a more “app like” experience, we are implementing a technology called a progressive web app or PWA for short (click the link for the nerdy stuff). This is not your traditional app that is installed though the Google Play or Apple App stores which we will explain further in a minute. We’ve chosen this route for a couple reasons, first it’s fast and easy to implement, but more importantly it eliminates the possibility of being banned from the traditional app stores like we’ve seen with other social applications. We control our own destiny.
How does a PWA work?
When you initially visit though your mobile browser you should see a popup at the bottom of the screen similar to what you see highlighted in the red box in the screen shot below.

When you click on that link you will be prompted to install. Click install and and that is it.

You will find the porcupine logo icon titled Liberty RI in with the rest of your apps. When you open the app you will be taken to the login screen where you can login. It looks very similar to what you saw in your mobile browser minus the URL address bar at the top. Should look something like this.

It’s that easy. If you have any questions head on over to our contact form.
It actually looks and works just like a normal app, I clicked it and saw it get added to my smartphone as an app icon, and the interface is very smooth! Pretty neat option!
Hey Gents,
I’m on IPhone and I am not getting the “Add LibertyRI to Home Screen” Pop up.
Thanks Jesse, was wondering about iPhone since I don’t have one to test with. I will try to take a look using an emulator and see what’s up.